Power of SLS

The Power of SLS (Same Language Subtitling)

SLS where it can penetrate and help literacy skills. It has proven that a certain percentage of people have low literacy skills in the emerging countries like India and others. So mostly these peoples watch television and cinema, particularly film songs to entertain them but not to develop or update reading and writing methodologies. Really the folks is how many of them have the reading skills to improve their literacy percentage.

Even many strategies has implemented by the government and non-government organizations around the globe to find better solutions but what is the success and growth percentage.

Media is one of the mass communications which reaches millions and millions of people around the world. To develop and deploy literacy skills and create involvement on worldwide about literacy skill development Google Foundation which provides opportunities for Public CharitableTrusts or companies to address the needs for literacy skill development.

As to move on, PlanetRead has taken enormous effort to promote literacy skill development through Google foundation. Lets be gratitude for these guys who have been the key foundation to implement the process. Their strategies for Same Language Subtitling have shown an excellent growth towards their goals.